Our Authors

Bill Borel

Bill Borel, the son of a mining engineer and an Irish nurse, began storytelling as a survival strategy.  As the youngest brother of very fertile sisters, he was pressed into babysitting five to eleven of us at a time.  What else could he do?

His inventiveness and gentle humor entertained us then, as he still does today.

John Borel

No Mountain Too High...Uncle John and Aunt Phyllis at Machu Picchu

No Mountain Too High…Uncle John and Aunt Phyllis at Machu Picchu

The older brother of Bill (not by much) and world adventurer,  John lives in New York state.  He graduated from Cal Berkley, was editor of his hometown paper, and left to be one of the first volunteers in the Peace Corps in Afghanistan.  John worked in the public sector and with the NY Board of Education.  He is now retired and anxious to prove to brother Bill that he is a better writer…and golferold duffer


Joseph F. Hedge(1925-2009)

A class act his whole life!

Joseph Hedge loved to write.  Poems, essays, short stories…typed and filed in clean manila folders, as orderly as the accounting columns he kept all his life.

A passionate storyteller, Joseph charmed his family with stories of his Montana childhood, the cabin-building, ice-skating, trout fishing joys and the hunger-ridden Depression when Christmas meant a fresh orange and a pocket knife.  His poems of love for his wife Mary and his family show the exuberance of a man celebrating each day.

His daughter, Celeste Gantz  said it best in her poem:

Grey Flannel

What wonderful set of circumstance

What happy coincidence

What amazing happenstance

That this prince of a man was born

How fortunate are we

Who stand in his warm shadow

The shelter of a love that never fails

The sanctuary of a heart that never falters